The nightly build does not come with an installer so using it requires some manual steps.



  1. Download the latest nightly build from
  2. Prior to opening or unzipping, right click the zip file and click the Unblock button (Windows 7) or check the Unblock checkbox (Windows 8/10).
  3. Unzip the contents anywhere, there is no installer included in the nightly build
  4. Plugins folder must be copied to %appdata%/InputMapper/Plugins (When typed into a file path, Windows will automatically resolve the %appdata% to the correct path)
  5. Install InputMapperIcons font located at /Release/InputMapperIcons.ttf, double click the file to open the font then click the “Install” button and if necessary click yes to replace.
  6. For ViGEm device output (currently the recommended output plugin), the ViGEm drivers must be manually installed. Follow the wiki instructions here:!
    ViGEm is not supported or maintained by InputMapper, help pertaining specifically with this driver should be taken up at